
Monday, 6 August 2012

Circles and Cycles - going round and round

I am a mixed media artist. Name it and claim it, girl. Been reading up on using a product called citra-solv, which is basically d-limonene (orange peel) used to alter pages of National Geographic's for mixed media backgrounds. Each of the people I have come across also work in encaustic. I'd just said to darling hubby that their art and mine seems to be going in circles and cycles and then the last site I hit on said: "It seems I work in cycles, and put aside one media for another, and then resurrect it based on what inspires me, or if I have a specific idea or goal to work on." That's exactly how I'm feeling at the moment. I'm doing a couple of swap challenges (ATC's and postcards), and Random Acts of Art, and I keep coming back round and round - gotta get that hot plate out! I've joined a site called Swap-Bot and am taking part in two ATC card swaps, one a 'Summer' Theme, the other Christian Alphabet B is for ... Theme; a postcard swap whose theme is based on the 'likes' of your swap partner. I've had buzzy brain about the first two - ideas started popping into my head immediately! I'm making the ATC's in batches of 6 (that's what I can get from an A4 piece of card), so I'll choose the best one to send for the swap, and the rest in the series will be released as RAA's. I have also promised to send 3 postcards to RAA friends in the USA. Starting to get ideas as to what these will be - phew! 6 Postcards have just been sent to the USA for another international swap:
Now I'm hanging out to get a couple of NatGraph's, some citra-solv (or it's imported equivalent), and to get the hotplate going, and to get some baby wipes so I can use those, and and and ...


Susan said...

Ha! While moving supplies into the new studio I came across a bottle of Citra-Solv and started thinking to get my hands on some old National Geographics!

It's true...we just keep circling 'round. But each time we get better and better! xo

Unknown said...

I got this card in the Liberate Your Art postcard swap! What a lovely card! And I'm enjoying your blog as well.

I've used Citra-Solv to remove stubborn body glue from applicators. (I draw glitter tattoos on people)... but hadn't thought of other applications. Will have to play some with magazine images.

Thanks for the inspiration!