
Wednesday 4 January 2012

30 Day challenge - Day 1

Take a photo, write a paragraph:

Better living thru pharmaceuticals:

Well, at least happier living. Ran out of Omeprazole and Gliclazide over Christmas. Glic is a meh, but Omeprazole is a necessary - I like to eat without throwing up!

So - Omeprazole, gliclazide, simvastin, metformin, dicolfenac, citalopram hydrobromide. Nom nom nom.

Best of all was, quite literally, a shot in the arm - of Vitamin B12. Got ma fix! Been feeling really tired, exhausted and a bit brain dead this past week. There was no way I could wait till March when the next shot was due!

Took the scenic route home from the doctor's - up Henderson Valley Road - saw an Ostrich - daft looking bird. The bush is looking lovely and green. Nearly time to start dinner. Alex is out tonight, so it's just for ... 4.

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